Monday, May 5, 2014

Why is chewing your food thoroughly so important?

1) Digestion: Saliva is a digestive enzyme which starts the first phase of digestion. Food passes down the esophagus when properly chewed.

2) Hormonal Signaling: If not chewed properly food passes into the stomach not ready for the next phase of digestion. Chewing also starts the secretion of other digestive hormones furhter along the chain as in the stomach (hydrochloric acid) and the pancreas (bicarbonate).

3) Pylorus: Chewing relaxes this muscle which allows food to move into the small intestine.

4) Dental Health: Chewing keeps teeth and jaw strong. It also helps prevent tooth decay.

5) Bacteria: Chewing reduces food borne bacteria from moving into the stomach. Bacteria can cause bloating, cramping, and other digestive discomforts. 

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